Governing Documents


By-Laws of Foxcroft Homes Association



  • Article I defines eligibility for membership to the Foxcroft Homes Association.

  • Article II defines the broad-level responsibilities of the the Board of Directors.

  • Article III defines the responsibilities of the President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.

  • Article IV provides rules governing meetings of the Association and meeting of the Board of Directors.

  • Article V provides rules governing voting privileges of members of the Association and of members of the Board of Directors.

  • Article VI provides requirements for amending the By-Laws.

Homes Association Declaration



  • Declares public (common) areas within Foxcroft are to be managed by the Association.

  • Outlines the following power and duties of the Association.

    • Enforce building restrictions.

    • Provide for snow removal from streets.

    • Maintain public (common) areas within Foxcroft.

    • Exercise control over acquired easements.

    • Exercise control over streets, e.g. issue permits to plumbers to cut/excavate portions of a street to install utilities.

  • Declares all lots in Foxcroft are subject to an annual improvement assessment to provide a general fund to support the Associations operations and provides rules for approving increases to this assessment.

  • Grants the Association the ability to place a lien on real estate in the event of past due assessments and the right to charge interest on past due amounts.

  • Limits Association's expenditures and obligations to the assessment for the current year.

  • The Association may be given additional powers by its members and the Homes Association Declaration can be revised. Both require written consent by two-thirds of the Association members.

Foxcroft Declaration of Restrictions



  • Lots are to be used for private residential purposes by a single family.

  • Disallows apartment houses.

  • Disallows trailers, basements, tents, shacks, garages, barns and other outbuildings from being used as residences.

  • Defines allowed materials for buildings, structures and appurtenances.

  • Limits the amount of time a building may stand in an unfinished or damaged condition.

  • Provides minimum square footage requirements for dwellings.

  • Prohibits construction of residences, outbuildings or fences without Board approval.

  • Prohibits business to be conducted within Foxcroft.

  • Prohibits anything from being done that may be or become a nuisance to the neighborhood.

  • Limits the types and numbers of animals allowed.

  • Generally disallows construction of structures within 30 feet of any street and describes certain exceptions.

  • Limits location of mailboxes and display of signage.

  • Provides Board ability to construct or maintain drains and utility lines.

  • The Restrictions do not provide requirements for edits, e.g. edits to the restrictions require approval by X% of the Association.